Inside the Poet

You want to be an entrepreneur but...

Just sitting allowing the ideas  and  feelings to flow through! You want to be an entrepreneur But..  you were forced to be jump...

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Mad Blog For The Home

It seems it is just not enough to just to pick out elements of the latest design trends and just stuff them it into your home!

In todays design and style market for the home etc you seem to need to have the full picture and in some cases the entire story!

(Mind you it is not just todays market what am i talking about? it has always been the case it is just that nowadays what is being done is actually being named and marketed as such!)

It would appear if you are market orientated or savvy you are not just creating or show-casing your home or space. 

It seems you'll be better placed to understand how to transform a place or space into a hub of destinations
Once you have done that it would appear you  will then be best placed to understand how and where to create a variety of moments for specific events or activities?

All the while
Keeping in mind
Your are supposed to be seeing how you can create or encourage an environment which will either calm or inspire the next chapter of your own life or a persons life!

You can either create a series of events which maybe refererred to as a space for the empty head of the maximinalist? 

Or a space and destination hub  which will create the accurate moment for the full or overcrowded head of the minimalist?

Of course you can also remain completely individual by just not doing anything or ignoring what is current or bold?

Or you can remain  "anti" the destination and trend makers market? 

Or remain completely  "indifferent" to all of this?

But in retrospect what will your end price be if selling?

An appreciating investment for the eventually largest profitable gain?

Or a depreciation due to indifference?

Profit from the accurately appraised preservation project?

Or a complete loss and washout due to the lack of vision, and concept of all of the above potentials or actuals?

It may just be the case that in these times...well not just in these times... because it has always been the case that the lack of ability to harness the capability needed to grow personnally...which could so easily be caused by any kind of injured or inactive brain function may well be costing you the correct level of vision and capacity needed for the attention to detail to be paid in the correct or best areas of design which help create the dream home, work or office space your life or budget, or the next move in your life may require!

Written by Lavinia De Ayr
Who is currently Covered in Mess
In A Freedom of Vision
Knackered by  what feels like a lack of Time 
But grateful for waking inspiration and the combination of words which in themselves create correct moments which open visions which harnesses the best so everlasting dream moments can come true without any nightmares being in situ!

Natural Flowism 
A Freedom of Being!

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